The Destruction of Values

I’ve stated in an earlier post that a lot of the disagreements threatening to tear our society apart have to do with differences in values, differences in what we consider to be good or evil, important or unimportant. These kinds of moral disagreements lead to demonization, tribalism, confusion, and nihilism. I’ve seen on the Internet …

Reflections on 9/11, Nineteen Years Later

I hardly remember September 11th, 2001. As a kindergartener, nobody would tell me anything, and outside of my being taken out of school for a few days, my life didn’t really change. People like to say that 9/11 was a momentous occasion, a turning point, the moment America was jolted awake. But from my experience, …

Starving the Truth-Making Beast

Last week, I talked about the George Floyd riots, and since then, things have gotten way worse. A man named Raz Simone has declared himself to be the ruler of Seattle’s new autonomous zone. Pretty much every corporation continues to give money to Black Lives Matter, an organization that has done no positive thing since …

A Serious Talk About the Recent Riots

In all honesty, I wish I could’ve talked about something else. Something happier. Something nicer. Something… well, whimsical. But after the events of the past couple of weeks, I feel I have to talk about this topic, to get my two cents in, so to speak. From where I stand, two facts are apparent: George …

Why Do We Disagree?

I wanted to talk in this essay about politics. Not about Republicans or Democrats. I really don’t fit in either category. And neither should you, really. Political parties aren’t religions, and you don’t owe them your authority like a peasant may have once owed their king theirs. Nor am I going to talk about conservatism …