Welcome to My World

My name is Brent Hegwood. I’m a graduate of Texas A&M University Class of 2018. When I was three years old, I was diagnosed with autism. Since then, I’ve overcome a lot of struggles and learned a few things along the way.

Throughout my life, there were two constants that have aided me in my journey: God and family. The Lord laid the path before me to travel, and my parents walked beside me, catching me whenever I stumbled. I’m eternally grateful to both of them.

At first, I didn’t think that my story would be all that interesting to people. I always considered myself pretty average, so I figured other people would find me as boring as I found me. But my mother shared my story with others on social media and in person. I discovered that I could touch the lives of so many with just my story. What would happen if I purposefully focused my energy into such an exercise?

So I started this blog.

I hope that my whimsical words will brighten your day and enlighten your mind. At the very least, I want my words to show you a different perspective, one you may not have thought of but will be familiar to those who struggle with autism or who have a family member who struggles with autism.

“Have a nice day!”

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