The Seven Best Argument-Ending Words

The martial arts school called judo allows its users to redirect their opponent’s attacks and get them to defeat themselves. The word “judo” is Japanese for “gentle way.” By forcing the aggression of your opponent back at them, you negate whatever harm that attack could have caused you. This will surprise the opponent and create …

The War on Advent

Some people talk about the War on Christmas. Supposedly, people aren’t allowed to say “Merry Christmas” anymore because it’s offensive to do so. But outside of the odd attention-seeker, the War on Christmas seems to be a relic of the past. A passing Jew saying to me “Happy Hannukah” isn’t offensive to me, so why …

The History of Santa Claus

Ah, Santa Claus. Is there a single person in the world who doesn’t know the generous, plump, and jolly old elf? But who is he, anyway? And why is he synonymous with Christmas? The history of Santa Claus is one that’s fascinated me for a long time. His history shows how a legend forms over …

Happy Grandparents’ Day!

About a month ago, I talked about my father’s mother, Nanny. In honor of Grandparents’ day, I’m going to talk about Grandma and Grandpa, my mother’s parents. They have both been positive rays of light in my life. From an early age, I grew to adore them, and that feeling has only gotten stronger. Here’s …

The Power of Piano

My mother is, in many ways, the Platonic ideal of the modern suburban housewife. For years, she was the “stay-at-home” mom that participated in PTA meetings and whose life revolved around her children. To call her a “helicopter mom” would only be a slight exaggeration. Like most modern parents, she kept herself busy taking care …