A Serious Talk About the Recent Riots

In all honesty, I wish I could’ve talked about something else. Something happier. Something nicer. Something… well, whimsical. But after the events of the past couple of weeks, I feel I have to talk about this topic, to get my two cents in, so to speak. From where I stand, two facts are apparent: George …

Five Ways Gratitude Has Made Me a Better Person

I believe I speak for most of us when I say that we all have had to endure the Covid-19 Pandemic and the resulting shutdown of the global economy. It has hurt the most vulnerable among us – our poor, our elderly, our disenfranchised. It affects everyone’s health and livelihoods. And although it seems like, …

Returning to Wholesomeness in Troubling Times

Note: This article was written on April 7, 2020. Since God is the highest good, He would not allow any evil to exist in His works, unless His omnipotence and goodness were such as to bring good even out of evil. Saint Augustine of Hippo, The Enchiridion Right now, I’m just not interested in what the news says all that much. All of the coverage is about Covid-19’s latest …

Autism and Social Distance

Note: This article was written on March 23, 2020. Social rules don’t really make sense when you stop and think about them for five minutes. What people take to be “rude” or “polite,” what kind of manners you’re supposed to have at the table, what you’re allowed to say… there is rarely any rhyme or …