Read This Before You Go To College

For as long as I could remember, my strategy when it came to schoolwork was always “aim for the bare minimum required for excellence.” This has always translated as pursuit of good grades over everything else. My parents encouraged this mindset; even though my mother had me join different clubs like the Key Club, they …

The Power of Piano

My mother is, in many ways, the Platonic ideal of the modern suburban housewife. For years, she was the “stay-at-home” mom that participated in PTA meetings and whose life revolved around her children. To call her a “helicopter mom” would only be a slight exaggeration. Like most modern parents, she kept herself busy taking care …

Shoe on the Other Foot

I love talking about history and society. The two are so interconnected with each other, and I can’t help but be impressed with how different the morals and morays different societies have and how arbitrary these differences are. Recently, a friend of mine asked me an important question: what would someone who came from another …

Starving the Truth-Making Beast

Last week, I talked about the George Floyd riots, and since then, things have gotten way worse. A man named Raz Simone has declared himself to be the ruler of Seattle’s new autonomous zone. Pretty much every corporation continues to give money to Black Lives Matter, an organization that has done no positive thing since …