My New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

Tomorrow is 2021. I have no idea what next year will bring, but I’m excited about it nonetheless. I think that 2020 is going to be looked back on as the beginning of a new era, but I don’t want to speculate on the future right now. Instead, I want to talk about New Year’s …

My Top Ten Christmas Songs

Today is Christmas Day, the day on which Jesus Christ was born. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Because of the holiday season, I decided to take the day off from writing something thought-provoking. Instead, I wanted to share with you my ten favorite Christmas songs (in no particular order). Have a Merry …

The War on Advent

Some people talk about the War on Christmas. Supposedly, people aren’t allowed to say “Merry Christmas” anymore because it’s offensive to do so. But outside of the odd attention-seeker, the War on Christmas seems to be a relic of the past. A passing Jew saying to me “Happy Hannukah” isn’t offensive to me, so why …

The History of Santa Claus

Ah, Santa Claus. Is there a single person in the world who doesn’t know the generous, plump, and jolly old elf? But who is he, anyway? And why is he synonymous with Christmas? The history of Santa Claus is one that’s fascinated me for a long time. His history shows how a legend forms over …

Days of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving isn’t simply a holiday celebrating the triumph of the Pilgrims. Around the world, it’s celebrated as a holiday in which people give thanks and sacrifice for the bountiful harvests they accumulated during the fall. The United States, Brazil, Canada, Grenada, Liberia, and parts of Australia and the Netherlands all celebrate a holiday called “Thanksgiving”, …

What I Like About Teaching

Recently, a young relative of mine needed help with his homework, so he and his parents asked me for help. Doing this was a wonderful experience for me. My “student” is very earnest and intelligent despite the difficulties he has with his homework. Helping him out has reminded me of one of my old dreams: …

Pilgrim’s Patriotism

What we come to know as the spirit of America – the ideas of freedom and democracy, as well as the unique, American form of Christianity – was founded by an unlikely group: a bunch of Radical Protestant Christians who, in 1620, landed on Plymouth Rock and established the first permanent English settlement in North …

Thank You for Your Service!

Election Day just happened, and, as I predicted, politics was just full of garbage. We’ve reached the point that people can’t even agree on who won the latest election. With our country being so polarized, it’s important to remember who the real heroes are. That’s why I’m writing about Veterans’ Day about a week ahead …

The Spooks of Halloween

It’s Halloween! Last week, I talked about five facts concerning the Christian origins of Halloween. This week, I want to talk personally about my reasons for loving this holiday. It comes down to one thing: the aesthetics. While I do love the Trick-or-Treating and candy, I love the costumes and decorations even more. I find …