Facts About Halloween You Might Not Know

There are only nine days left until Halloween, so I feel in the mood to write about this holiday. This holiday is one of my favorites because of its fantastic aesthetic. Halloween is a holiday with a storied past. It’s often misunderstood by well-meaning people, who think it to be an intimidating and possibly demonic …

Why I Love Writing

What sets the arts apart from other pursuits? Emotional satisfaction? Performance? Aesthetic appreciation? Sure, all of these things are important parts of art, but what truly sets apart an art is that its activity is one done for its own sake. When a painter paints, he does so because the painting is an end in …

The Destruction of Values

I’ve stated in an earlier post that a lot of the disagreements threatening to tear our society apart have to do with differences in values, differences in what we consider to be good or evil, important or unimportant. These kinds of moral disagreements lead to demonization, tribalism, confusion, and nihilism. I’ve seen on the Internet …

Reflections on 9/11, Nineteen Years Later

I hardly remember September 11th, 2001. As a kindergartener, nobody would tell me anything, and outside of my being taken out of school for a few days, my life didn’t really change. People like to say that 9/11 was a momentous occasion, a turning point, the moment America was jolted awake. But from my experience, …

Happy Grandparents’ Day!

About a month ago, I talked about my father’s mother, Nanny. In honor of Grandparents’ day, I’m going to talk about Grandma and Grandpa, my mother’s parents. They have both been positive rays of light in my life. From an early age, I grew to adore them, and that feeling has only gotten stronger. Here’s …

Give Me Five Of Those

You’ve seen it before. You walk into your Wal-Mart looking for just a handful of ingredients: milk, eggs, peanut butter, and water bottles. Just enough to make it through the week. But then you see something on sale. Then another. And another. And another. Pretty soon, you’re walking out of the store with a hundred …