What’s Good About Country Living?

Ah, the Texas countryside. As cliché as it sounds, I, as a Texan, love it. I enjoy the rolling prairie hills, the long country roads, the small towns, and the farms. I like eating country-fried, homemade cooking. I like walking around the corn maze. And I most of all love hanging out with the people …

About Lent

The word “Lent” comes from the old English word lencten meaning “spring season.” But its earlier name, quadragesima (which is Latin for “fortieth”), better reflected the spirit of the holiday.  Lent is a solemn Christian observance of the forty-day-long fast Jesus underwent in the desert. Accordingly, the early Christians observed Lent by not letting a …

The Seven Best Argument-Ending Words

The martial arts school called judo allows its users to redirect their opponent’s attacks and get them to defeat themselves. The word “judo” is Japanese for “gentle way.” By forcing the aggression of your opponent back at them, you negate whatever harm that attack could have caused you. This will surprise the opponent and create …