The Frustrations of Looking for a Job

Indeed. Linkedin. Upwork. Aggie Employees. I’ve scrawled through these websites and many others to find a job. Only on occasion do any of these potential recruiters come back to me with an offer to do an interview. And of the interviews I have, only a handful have ever given me a follow-up to them, even …

“Roll D20 to Have Fun!”

With the player’s initiative roll, the battle commences. The brave knights take out their swords and charge at the hobgoblin horde, none expecting to come out alive. The hobgoblins’ attacks are fierce, but they fail their saving throw against the wizard’s fireball spell, and a score of them perish in the blaze. Meanwhile, on the …

Five Ways You Can Improve Your Word Choice

Over the years, I’ve written more than a few essays and stories. When you write and study the art of writing, you pick up the kinds of word choices you need to use to improve your writing. You also learn that there are word choices that scream “I’m an amateur” or even “I’m a bad …

Cutting Corners in Communication

Growing up, my father always stressed the importance of socializing. Good communication is key to coordinating different people. Without it, everyone would do their own thing without caring for what others did and create anarchy. Everyone knows this, whether they acknowledge it explicitly or not. However, some people cut corners in communicating. These people don’t …

Five More Subjects Schools Ought to Teach

Last week, we discussed five things that schools ought to teach. It talked about a lot of great subjects I felt were necessary for kids to become fully-realized individuals. However, while such subjects would help free their minds, some might argue that they aren’t immediately practical and that that is what public education focuses on …

Five Subjects Schools Ought to Teach

For the past several months, I’ve been tutoring a young man who has been having difficulty in school.  I won’t get into the details, but he’s slowly but surely getting better. However, tutoring him has given me a greater awareness of what schools are teaching kids nowadays, and boy do I disagree with their policies. …

New Year’s Resolutions for 2022

The celebration of a new year is an ancient one – one that has been around ever since humans started making calendars. Though the holiday is mostly secular now, in cultures throughout the world and history, it’s had significant religious significance. The earliest recorded New Year’s Celebration took place 4,000 years ago in ancient Babylon. …

Charles Dickens on the Christmas Spirit

In honor of the coming Christmas holiday, I’ve been listening to an audiobook of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. It’s probably one of the most famous Christmas stories to ever be written, so I won’t recap the story here. Instead, I’d like to take another look at the moral of the story. Because it’s been …

Thanksgiving Month: Thankful for Music

Imagine sitting down and relaxing, your eyes closed. There’s a nice breeze in the air, neither too warm nor too cold. You hear the sounds of the beach – the splashing waves, the swaying palm trees, and the occasional beachgoer laughing. Life couldn’t be better. Then, you open your eyes and realize that you weren’t …

Thanksgiving Month: The Learning Mindset

One cannot underestimate the value of a good education, but what does a good education consist of? Many people would argue that good educations require a good teacher, a nice school, enough money for school supplies and books, and so on. Certainly, I don’t want to deny that all of these things are helpful and …