Cutting Corners in Communication

Growing up, my father always stressed the importance of socializing. Good communication is key to coordinating different people. Without it, everyone would do their own thing without caring for what others did and create anarchy. Everyone knows this, whether they acknowledge it explicitly or not. However, some people cut corners in communicating. These people don’t …

Five More Subjects Schools Ought to Teach

Last week, we discussed five things that schools ought to teach. It talked about a lot of great subjects I felt were necessary for kids to become fully-realized individuals. However, while such subjects would help free their minds, some might argue that they aren’t immediately practical and that that is what public education focuses on …

Five Subjects Schools Ought to Teach

For the past several months, I’ve been tutoring a young man who has been having difficulty in school.  I won’t get into the details, but he’s slowly but surely getting better. However, tutoring him has given me a greater awareness of what schools are teaching kids nowadays, and boy do I disagree with their policies. …