The Spooks of Halloween

It’s Halloween! Last week, I talked about five facts concerning the Christian origins of Halloween. This week, I want to talk personally about my reasons for loving this holiday. It comes down to one thing: the aesthetics. While I do love the Trick-or-Treating and candy, I love the costumes and decorations even more. I find …

Facts About Halloween You Might Not Know

There are only nine days left until Halloween, so I feel in the mood to write about this holiday. This holiday is one of my favorites because of its fantastic aesthetic. Halloween is a holiday with a storied past. It’s often misunderstood by well-meaning people, who think it to be an intimidating and possibly demonic …

Why I Love Writing

What sets the arts apart from other pursuits? Emotional satisfaction? Performance? Aesthetic appreciation? Sure, all of these things are important parts of art, but what truly sets apart an art is that its activity is one done for its own sake. When a painter paints, he does so because the painting is an end in …